Your First App

To illustrate how to build apps using the DMS, let’s go through building a simple TODO list app. See installation guide if necessary

Defining your domain model

Firstly lets build our entities. Lets create a file app/Domain/Entities/TodoItem.php.

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Domain\Entities;

use Dms\Core\Model\Object\ClassDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Model\Object\Entity;

 * Your first entity.
 * An item on the TODO list.
class TodoItem extends Entity
    // Define constants for property names
    const DESCRIPTION = 'description';
    const COMPLETED = 'completed';
     * @var string 
    public $description;
     * @var bool 
    public $completed;
     * Initialises a new TODO item.
     * @param string $description
    public function __construct(string $description)
        $this->description = $description;
        $this->completed   = false;
     * Defines the structure of this entity.
     * @param ClassDefinition $class
    protected function defineEntity(ClassDefinition $class)
        // Enables strong typing for this entity

Building your persistence layer

So now we have our entities, we need a way to persist them to a database.

Defining the mapper

Create the entity mapper under app/Infrastructure/Persistence/TodoItemMapper.php. Configure how to map the entity to the database table.

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Infrastructure\Persistence;

use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\Definition\MapperDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\EntityMapper;
use App\Domain\Entities\TodoItem;

 * Your first entity mapper.
 * The App\Domain\Entities\TodoItem entity mapper.
class TodoItemMapper extends EntityMapper
     * Defines the entity mapper
     * @param MapperDefinition $map
     * @return void
    protected function define(MapperDefinition $map)




Register the mapper in app/AppOrm.php:

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App;

use App\Domain\Entities\TodoItem;
use App\Infrastructure\Persistence\TodoItemMapper;
use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\Definition\Orm\OrmDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\Orm;
use Dms\Web\Laravel\Persistence\Db\DmsOrm;

 * The application's orm.
 * @author Elliot Levin <>
class AppOrm extends Orm
     * Defines the object mappers registered in the orm.
     * @param OrmDefinition $orm
     * @return void
    protected function define(OrmDefinition $orm)


        // You can register your mappers here
            TodoItem::class => TodoItemMapper::class

Defining the repository interface

Create the repository interface app/Domain/Services/ITodoItemRepository.php.

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Domain\Services\Persistence;

use Dms\Core\Model\ICriteria;
use Dms\Core\Model\ISpecification;
use Dms\Core\Persistence\IRepository;
use App\Domain\Entities\TodoItem;

 * The repository for the App\Domain\Entities\TodoItem entity.
interface ITodoItemRepository extends IRepository
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return TodoItem[]
    public function getAll() : array;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return TodoItem
    public function get($id);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return TodoItem[]
    public function getAllById(array $ids) : array;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return TodoItem|null
    public function tryGet($id);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return TodoItem[]
    public function tryGetAll(array $ids) : array;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return TodoItem[]
    public function matching(ICriteria $criteria) : array;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return TodoItem[]
    public function satisfying(ISpecification $specification) : array;

Defining the repository implementation

Create the repository implementation app/Infrastructure/Persistence/DbTodoItemRepository.php.

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Infrastructure\Persistence;

use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Connection\IConnection;
use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\IOrm;
use Dms\Core\Persistence\DbRepository;
use App\Domain\Services\Persistence\ITodoItemRepository;
use App\Domain\Entities\TodoItem;

 * The database repository implementation for the App\Domain\Entities\TodoItem entity.
class DbTodoItemRepository extends DbRepository implements ITodoItemRepository
    public function __construct(IConnection $connection, IOrm $orm)
        parent::__construct($connection, $orm->getEntityMapper(TodoItem::class));
    // Custom queries can go here...

Bind your repository implementation to the interface in app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php


namespace App\Providers;

use App\AppCms;
use App\AppOrm;
use App\Domain\Services\Persistence\ITodoItemRepository;
use App\Infrastructure\Persistence\DbTodoItemRepository;
use Dms\Core\ICms;
use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\IOrm;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->app->singleton(IOrm::class, AppOrm::class);
        $this->app->singleton(ICms::class, AppCms::class);

        // Bind your repositories here
        $this->app->singleton(ITodoItemRepository::class, DbTodoItemRepository::class);

Migrating the database

To sync the database we must generate a migration and run it:

 # Auto-generate a migration to sync the database
 php artisan dms:make:migration add_todo_items_table
 # Run the migration
 php artisan migrate

You can review the generated migration under the database/migrations/ directory

Building the CMS

Defining your modules

To build the backend we must first configure the module app/Cms/Modules/TodoItemModule.php

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Cms\Modules;

use Dms\Core\Auth\IAuthSystem;
use Dms\Core\Common\Crud\CrudModule;
use Dms\Core\Common\Crud\Definition\CrudModuleDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Common\Crud\Definition\Form\CrudFormDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Common\Crud\Definition\Table\SummaryTableDefinition;
use App\Domain\Services\Persistence\ITodoItemRepository;
use App\Domain\Entities\TodoItem;
use Dms\Common\Structure\Field;

 * The todo-item module.
class TodoItemModule extends CrudModule
    public function __construct(ITodoItemRepository $dataSource, IAuthSystem $authSystem)
        parent::__construct($dataSource, $authSystem);

     * Defines the structure of this module.
     * @param CrudModuleDefinition $module
    protected function defineCrudModule(CrudModuleDefinition $module)


            'icon' => 'list', // Choose icon from

        $module->crudForm(function (CrudFormDefinition $form) {
            $form->section('Details', [
                    Field::create('description', 'Description')->string()->required()
                    Field::create('completed', 'Completed')->bool()



        $module->summaryTable(function (SummaryTableDefinition $table) {
            $table->mapProperty(TodoItem::DESCRIPTION)->to(Field::create('description', 'Description')->string()->required());
            $table->mapProperty(TodoItem::COMPLETED)->to(Field::create('completed', 'Completed')->bool());

            $table->view('all', 'All')

Defining your package

Create the package (a group of modules) app/Cms/TodoAppPackage.php

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Cms;

use Dms\Core\Package\Definition\PackageDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Package\Package;
use App\Cms\Modules\TodoItemModule;

 * The todo-app package.
class TodoAppPackage extends Package
     * Defines the structure of this cms package.
     * @param PackageDefinition $package
     * @return void
    protected function define(PackageDefinition $package)

            'icon' => 'check-square', // Choose icon from

            'todo-item' => TodoItemModule::class,

Register the package in app/AppCms.php

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App;

use App\Cms\TodoAppPackage;
use Dms\Core\Cms;
use Dms\Core\CmsDefinition;
use Dms\Package\Analytics\AnalyticsPackage;
use Dms\Web\Laravel\Auth\AdminPackage;
use Dms\Web\Laravel\Document\PublicFilePackage;

 * The application's cms.
 * @author Elliot Levin <>
class AppCms extends Cms
     * Defines the structure and installed packages of the cms.
     * @param CmsDefinition $cms
     * @return void
    protected function define(CmsDefinition $cms)
            // Default packages installed out of the box
            'admin'     => AdminPackage::class,
            'documents' => PublicFilePackage::class,
            'analytics' => AnalyticsPackage::class,

            // Register your packages here...
            'todo-app' => TodoAppPackage::class,

Visit http://your-app-domain/dms and login to see your first backend:

Todo Module