Custom Value Objects

You may find yourself repeating a bunch of fields throughout your application, in this case you can extract these fields into your own custom value objects which can then be reused throughout your app.

Entity Structure


Your custom value object class

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Domain\Entities;

use Dms\Core\Model\Object\ClassDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Model\Object\ValueObject;

class Engine extends ValueObject
    const NAME = 'name';
    const HORSE_POWER = 'horsePower';

     * @var string
    public $name;

     * @var int
    public $horsePower;

     * Defines the structure of this class.
     * @param ClassDefinition $class
    protected function define(ClassDefinition $class)



An entity which contains your value object as a field.

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Domain\Entities;

use Dms\Core\Model\Object\ClassDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Model\Object\Entity;

class Vehicle extends Entity
    const ENGINE = 'engine';

     * @var Engine
    public $engine;

     * Defines the structure of this entity.
     * @param ClassDefinition $class
    protected function defineEntity(ClassDefinition $class)

Mapper Configuration


<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Infrastructure\Persistence;

use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\Definition\MapperDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\IndependentValueObjectMapper;
use App\Domain\Entities\Engine;

 * The App\Domain\Entities\Engine value object mapper.
class EngineMapper extends IndependentValueObjectMapper
     * Defines the entity mapper
     * @param MapperDefinition $map
     * @return void
    protected function define(MapperDefinition $map)




<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Infrastructure\Persistence;

use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\Definition\MapperDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\EntityMapper;
use App\Domain\Entities\Vehicle;
use App\Infrastructure\Persistence\EngineMapper;

 * The App\Domain\Entities\Vehicle entity mapper.
class VehicleMapper extends EntityMapper
     * Defines the value object mapper
     * @param MapperDefinition $map
     * @return void
    protected function define(MapperDefinition $map)


        // Embeds the columns of the value object in the 'vehicles' table
        // Each column will be prefixed so they will become 'engine_name' and 'engine_horse_power'
            ->using(new EngineMapper());

Module Configuration


You can define custom fields for value objects

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Cms\Modules\Fields;

use Dms\Core\Common\Crud\Definition\Form\ValueObjectFieldDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Common\Crud\Form\ValueObjectField;
use App\Domain\Entities\Engine;
use Dms\Common\Structure\Field;

 * The App\Domain\Entities\Engine value object field.
class EngineField extends ValueObjectField
    public function __construct(string $name, string $label)
        parent::__construct($name, $label);

     * Defines the structure of this value object field.
     * @param ValueObjectFieldDefinition $form
     * @return void
    protected function define(ValueObjectFieldDefinition $form)

        $form->section('Details', [
                Field::create('name', 'Name')->string()->required()
                Field::create('horse_power', 'Horse Power')->int()->required()


<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Cms\Modules;

use Dms\Core\Auth\IAuthSystem;
use Dms\Core\Common\Crud\CrudModule;
use Dms\Core\Common\Crud\Definition\CrudModuleDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Common\Crud\Definition\Form\CrudFormDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Common\Crud\Definition\Table\SummaryTableDefinition;
use App\Domain\Services\Persistence\IVehicleRepository;
use App\Domain\Entities\Vehicle;
use App\Cms\Modules\Fields\EngineField;

 * The vehicle module.
class VehicleModule extends CrudModule
    public function __construct(IVehicleRepository $dataSource, IAuthSystem $authSystem)
        parent::__construct($dataSource, $authSystem);

     * Defines the structure of this module.
     * @param CrudModuleDefinition $module
    protected function defineCrudModule(CrudModuleDefinition $module)

        $module->crudForm(function (CrudFormDefinition $form) {
            $form->section('Details', [
                    // Reference your custom value object field
                    (new EngineField('engine', 'Engine'))->required()


        $module->summaryTable(function (SummaryTableDefinition $table) {
            $table->mapProperty(Vehicle::ENGINE)->to((new EngineField('engine', 'Engine'))->required());

            $table->view('all', 'All')