FAQ’s Package

It is often necessary to include a question and answer section in a website. The FAQ package provides the functionality for this.


Install the package via composer

composer require dms-org/package.faqs

Register the package in app/AppCms.php

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App;

use Dms\Core\Cms;
use Dms\Core\CmsDefinition;
use Dms\Package\Faq\Cms\FaqPackage;

 * The application's cms.
 * @author Elliot Levin <elliotlevin@hotmail.com>
class AppCms extends Cms
     * Defines the structure and installed packages of the cms.
     * @param CmsDefinition $cms
     * @return void
    protected function define(CmsDefinition $cms)
            // Add this line to register the package...
            'faqs' => FaqPackage::class,

Register the ORM in app/AppOrm.php

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App;

use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\Definition\Orm\OrmDefinition;
use Dms\Core\Persistence\Db\Mapping\Orm;
use Dms\Package\Blog\Infrastructure\Persistence\BlogOrm;

 * The application's orm.
 * @author Elliot Levin <elliotlevin@hotmail.com>
class AppOrm extends Orm
     * Defines the object mappers registered in the orm.
     * @param OrmDefinition $orm
     * @return void
    protected function define(OrmDefinition $orm)
        // Add this line to register the mappers
        $orm->encompass(new FaqOrm());


Load the FAQ’s in your controller

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Dms\Package\Faq\Core\FaqLoaderService;

 * @author Elliot Levin <elliotlevin@hotmail.com>
class FaqsController extends Controller
    public function showFaqsPage(FaqLoaderService $faqLoaderService)
        return view('faqs', [
            'faqs' => $faqLoaderService->loadFaqs(),

Display the FAQ’s in your view

    <section class="content">
        @foreach($faqs as $faq)
                <strong>{{ $faq->question }}</strong>
                <div>{!! $faq->answer->asString() !!}</div>